Art Installation

MOED was constructed for the entirety of the Jewish people.  Diverse avenues of engagement were conceived in order to increase the community’s involvement, and the installation of fine art at MOED was one of these!

The importance of water and immersion in Judaism can both be a spiritual connection point and fulfill religious law.  After participating in an educational seminar on mikvah, I am proud that many of Colorado’s Jewish artists saw themselves as an integral part of building the new mikvah and submitted their artwork for consideration.

The Art Selection Committee — individuals with experience and knowledge of art and public experiences with art — was brought together for the unique opportunity of rating artworks for selection at MOED.  The Committee was tasked with telling a visual story of the collection of water in a mikvah and the sacred connections that its waters create.

Colorado's Jewish artists are a stellar community of talented and generous people. On behalf of MOED, we are grateful for their contribution to the enhancement of the beauty of the community’s new mikvah. 

It is my hope that the artworks selected will enrich the user’s religious and spiritual experience of immersion.

Penny Nisson
MOED Art Selection Chair

Click on the artwork below to read more.

Photo credit:  Joshua Sharf (